​The Statewide Mutual Risk Management Excellence Awards (RMEA) acknowledge excellence by NSW Councils in implementing risk management programmes using the process and principles outlined in AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines. Awarded since 1995 the programme is open to all NSW member Councils and exists to promote:

  • recognition of risk management as a management structure;
  • awareness of risk management issues;
  • innovation in risk reduction; and
  • recognition of that innovation.


  1. Strategic/Enterprise Risk Initiative – excellence for a risk initiative which promotes improvement at a higher/organisational level, addresses risks impacting the organisation as a whole, or relates to organisational decision-making or management planning.
  2. Operational Risk Initiative – excellence for a risk initiative relating to the continuous improvement of operational risk exposures experienced by Council.
  3. Technological Innovation – excellence for a risk initiative utilising technological innovation to foster risk improvement.

Councils who nominate within each category will receive a certificate of recognition for their entry and commendations will be presented to category winners.

In recognition of the different resources and staff effort available between councils two (2) overall winner categories have been established. These are as follows:

  1. Large Regional Councils (population over 30,000) / Metropolitan Councils / Groups of Councils
  2. Rural/Regional Councils (population less than 30,000) / County Councils

Entries closed COB Wednesday 25 July 2018.

Terms & Conditions

  • Applications must be submitted online via the RMEA Submission Form.
  • There is no entry fee for the awards.
  • Applications must:
    • Include a project/submission title
    • Identify the category they would like their submission considered for.
    • Contain an Executive Summary of the entry (limited too 200 words) highlighting its key features, objectives and/or outcomes.
    • Describe how the project has added value to your organisation/s (limited to 300 words).
    • Outline areas of risk the project has addressed (limited to 300 words).
    • Include a Council logo that can be used to recognise the entry during the 2018 Statewide Mutual Risk Management Conference.
    • Identify the number and titles of supporting documentation included as part of the submission.
  • The judging panel will consist of members of the Statewide Mutual Risk Management Committee.
  • An application from a Council with a representative on the Statewide Mutual Risk Management Committee is permissible, however, the Council’s representative on the Committee will be replaced by another Board Member, or persons approved by the Board.
  • The judges’ decision is final.
  • Entries must be received by close of business on Friday 30 July 2018. Award entries will not be accepted after the published deadline, except on private application to Statewide Mutual prior to the date, and only in exceptional circumstances.
  • The winning entries will be announced at the Annual Statewide Mutual Risk Management Conference on Thursday 30 August 2018.
  • These awards are limited to members of Statewide Mutual. Applications from groups of member councils will also be accepted (the name of the council sponsoring the application is to be included in the Submission Form).
  • Initiatives, ideas, concepts and programmes submitted become public property unless specifically protected by some legal condition. These conditions must be made known at time of lodgment of the entry.

Please contact your Regional Risk Manager if you have any questions regarding this year’s RMEA Awards.

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