Returning to the ICC Darling Harbour for our second year, this year’s conference is set to build on the great changes introduced to the program last year. We thank Members for taking the time to provide feedback and have incorporated these suggestions to make the 2018 conference our best one yet.
What’s new this year?
- Thursday afternoon will keep you buzzing as all delegates split into two separate breakout sessions
- These breakout sessions are tailored to address the varying sizes, environments and needs of our diverse Member Councils, so you can ensure you’re taking away insights specific to your council
- Additional breakout sessions return on the Friday morning making this conference the most interactive one yet!
- We are heading to the beautifully renovated Hyatt Regency for our conference dinner where you can dust off your dancing shoes for another fun night of networking with fellow Members
The full program and workshop details can be found below, as well as suggestions for accommodation nearby offering a conference rate.
Please feel free to email events@statewidemutual.com.au if you have any questions regarding this year’s conference or visit our FAQs page for more information.
A big thank you to our conference sponsors who share in our commitment to encourage the best risk management practices in local government.