Want to promote your event to Members?

Events form a significant part of Council’s day-to-day business and tapping into the wider network that comes with your Mutual membership can assist in not only promoting attendance to your event, but also in raising awareness across the state around what type of events Member Councils are undertaking and how we can share learnings from the process.

As part of your membership with Statewide Mutual we would be delighted to promote your upcoming event on our website and LinkedIn page (where applicable).

Types of events we can promote

  • Major Event (open to General Public) – Major events range across a diverse spectrum, from sport, entertainment and markets to cultural events hosted in a permanent venue or adapted public space and attracts a large number of people.
  • Members Event (open to Statewide Mutual Members only) –  Any Risk Groups or education-focused events run by Member Councils, for Member Councils
  • Statewide Mutual hosted event – Annual Conference, Mock Trials, Event Management Workshops and any other adhoc events run by Regional Risk Managers or Account Manager

Simply fill in the form below to get started or email events@statewidemutual.com.au for more information.

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